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Lore Writing Examples

art by @tothemaxy

Mems Voyage 1 Part 1

As the suns crest over the horizon, a warm dawn breaks on the distant planet of Sado. It’s the year 3022 and the last remembering human has been awake for hours preparing for his journey back to Earth. It’s a lonely business being the only human on Sado, the isolation will push you to talk to just about anyone or anything for that matter. In this specific case though, the human has taken to recording a journal via his ship’s history log.
Let’s join him…

art by @tothemaxy

Mems Voyage 1 Part 2

Earth is even worse than George had imagined. Where Sado is breathtakingly colorful and vibrant, Earth is soul crushingly gray and desolate. The streets are vacant. Cafes, theaters, and community squares that were once home to lively conversations and debate sit completely empty. A damp fog forever hangs in the air suffocating the sunlight.
After delivering the Mems back to their humans, George returns to his house…

Here are some things readers have said about Daniel’s writings…